Another fresh loot!
One of my favourite haunts, Beautiful Disaster never fails to bring in vintage fashion that are more quirky and fun, perfect for those who want to wear vintage without having to give up their colourful youth.
And here's her latest collection, fresh from the rainbow!Dress 0125, RM25
p/s: If you move stealthily like an octopus in this dress, I'm pretty sure you can hypnotize the person in front of you... try it on your boyfriend!Dress 0128, RM40
p/s: Only for those who dare, this is a funkylicious print that you definitely need attitude to pull it off!Skirt 0144, RM30
p/s: Just too cool for school. Too cool.Dress 0135, RM40
p/s: It's amazing how such a simple print of a tree can be arranged so nicely into a pretty pretty pretty dress that will sweep your blues away. We sure don't get stuff like that anymore nowadays :-)
All items from Beautiful Disaster
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